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Why Would I Vote For Obama Over Romney?


Mitt Romney by Gage SkidmoreI have been reading up on Romney’s time as Governor.  He seems to fall back on that a lot.  So my thinking was that he must have done a pretty good job at it. So I started searching all the conservative sites to find something positive about his time as governor and couldn’t find anything.  I thought that was odd.  So I just did some Google searches and of course all the liberal sites were bashing his term.  But, it was all I had to go on. So I read a couple articles and did some fact checking and I came across this article.  That pretty much summed up all I had read on other sites but left out all the BS.  You can read the article here.

It’s really true, you tell a lie enough and it becomes the truth.  For example and off topic.  If a bird falls from it’s nest and you pick it up and put it back, the mother will ignore that bird because it has a human scent on it.  Not true at all.  The mother bird couldn’t care less, she’s just glad she got her baby back.

I really wish people could just look at things with an open mind.  But, it seems like people today just want to believe what they want to believe and that’s it.  Science and logic mean nothing to these people.

It turns out, he didn’t do anything for the state and he left worse than it was.  Plain and simple.  Not to mention all his talk of working as a bipartisan governor isn’t true.  In his term as the gov he veto’d over 800 times!  That is an insane amount. He eventually just said to the Boston Globe, I’m giving up on party building, “From now on, it’s me-me-me.”

In an argument the other day with a conservative.  An argument that sadly didn’t last long.  I was told that voting for Romney is just common sense.  It kinda threw him off when I said I have to agree with that.  He shook his head with confusion and I explained.

Obama made a lot of promises before he took office.  He sadly couldn’t keep all of them.  So, let’s vote the guy out and start new!  That’s plain and simple, common sense!

The problem is, voting for the leader of the free world is different than planning an adventure packed  vacation or deciding on what laundry detergent to use.  For those things, common sense will usually be enough.  But, we’re talking about voting for the President of the United States of America!  Common sense is far too simple for such an event.  We should be using an extraordinary sense or at least an above average sense.

So here’s what I have looked at in making my decision as to whom to vote for.  I don’t so much care about the promises made in the previous election.  Things change, priorities change, our needs change.  And, to be quite honest every politician makes promises before they get elected and if you are voting for a person based on those promises, you’re an idiot.

I look for the presidents actions.  What did he try to accomplish?  Were those things inline with what I want?  With the changes I believe need to be made?  Do I believe their best interest is in my welfare and more importantly that of the countries?  Are things he’s doing trying to better our existence.

What was the incumbent president able to do during his presidency?  What did he fail to do and why? In Obama’s case, I look at the things he did that I wasn’t happy with.  And, the things he did that I approved of and I look at his potential to get things done in the future.

The main thing Obama did that I wasn’t happy with was actually what has been his biggest selling point.  Obama-care.  Don’t get me wrong, I am all for it.  I believe that no one should be sentenced to death or poverty because they don’t have health insurance.  I don’t believe a single child should every die because they don’t have health care.  I don’t believe that anyone should die because they have a per-existing condition. That being said, with unemployment on the rise, the housing market in the toilet, I felt this should have been second term thing.  So, no I wasn’t happy he pushed for it and I thought it showed bad judgment.

However, on the plus side, he was able to get it passed?  I never thought he would.  He fought against the most deceitful republican congress in history and he still got it done.  In 7 years President Bush had to capture Osama, he didn’t.   What he did instead, was attack a country that never attacked us, that was not planning to attack us and managed to completely lie about our reasons for attacking the country of Iraq.

After 9/11 we pretty much had the support of the entire free world and within a year most of it our allies had become afraid of us.  We bullied countries into supporting our war on terror that seemed to almost border on threats to our allies.

I have since come to the conclusion that Bush had no intention ever of capturing Osama.  The first thing he did after hearing about the attacks was to get the members of Osama’s family that were actually in this country, and got them out of here.  Really.  He really did that.  No questions asked, they were gone!  Then they had Osama trapped in one of the caves we’ve all heard about.  All we had to do was go in and get him.  Instead Bush gave the order for the Afghan military to go in and get him.  And, guess what, oops!  They let him get away!  In a speech later Bush actually said that capturing Osama wasn’t his number one priority.

My point here is that Obama didn’t forget about 9/11.  Osama is now dead thanks to our President.  It took him just under three years to do this. Can you believe that?  Do you remember that moment when you heard Osama was dead and you just couldn’t believe it!  All the talk that Obama was weak, that he was a Muslim and it was him that put to rest the worst terrorist this country has ever seen!  What was Bush doing?

I need to bring Bush again and my reasoning for doing this is so that I can contrast that against what Obama did.  It goes to show something about the man’s character and that is so important.

Bush During KatrinaDo you remember Katrina?  Do you remember it was like 3 days or 5 days after Katrina hit.  There was mass flooding, thousands believed to be dead or missing.  People were stranded on their roof’s, in cars, stores were being looted.  What was our first clip of President Bush.  He was in San Diego playing a guitar.  Completely oblivious to the suffering of the people he was elected to protect.

Do you honestly think that for a second Obama would have been seen like that? You know he would be talking to FEMA and trying to figure out ways to help. How do I know that?  Well just recently some of our embassy’s were attacked.  In one of these attacks our Libyan Ambassador was killed along with several others.  Now we can disagree with Obama on the actions he took.  We all can play Monday morning quarterback all day long but the fact is, he did something.  Plans were made, actions taken.  He wasn’t kicking back playing the fucking guitar!

So in Obama’s nearly four years of Presidency, he has struggled with unemployment but it has been coming down month after month for more than two years.  There has been some spikes in those two years but the overall direction has been down.  See attached diagram.

We can argue that it’s not going down as fast as we want.  So let’s go ahead and do that.  Let’s take a look at why it hasn’t gone done faster.

Unemployment Rate Under ObamaThe economy has been recovering.  The US auto industry is doing better than it has done in years!  The housing market has been bouncing back.  The economy was starting to do well.  But unemployment, why has that sucked?  Well, the republicans have decided that the countries unemployment doesn’t matter.  (Well it matters now but only sound bites.)  The economy is unimportant.  Their primary goal is to remove Obama from office.  That’s it!  I seem to be the only one who finds this to be not only offensive but borders on treason!  How can you be any more un-American that?

Now I am not saying that it’s un-American to want Obama out of office.  But, the concept of sabotaging a presidency by blocking bills that would stimulate the economy is treason!  But, the republican party would Sen. Mitch McConnell Traitornever do that?  Sure they want Obama out but they wouldn’t stoop to those levels!  Well, you would be wrong my friend.

In 2010 Sen. Mitch McConnell announced openly that the priority of the republican party was to make sure that Obama was a one term president.  This is the face of a traitor.  This is what evil looks like. This is the face of a party that cares more about politics than the people it serves.  This is the face of racism.  The face of a party that has a great many good Americans convinced that Obama is a Muslim terrorist in disguise.

How did they do this?  By blocking everything they possibly could that was suggested by the democrats or Obama.  In a previous post I put together a list of some of the top things they blocked that totally fucked us a country.  Here’s a quick look at that list…

  • Tax on companies that ship jobs overseas.  BLOCKED!
  • Political Ad Disclosure Bill.  BLOCKED 2x’s!
  • The Small Business Jobs Act.  BLOCKED 2x’s!
  • The Dream Act.  BLOCKED!
  • Repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.  BLOCKED numerous times!
  • Anti-Rape Amendment.  BLOCKED!
  • Benefits for Homeless Veterans.  BLOCKED!
  • Affordable Healthcare For Americans.  Voted 33x’s to repeal!
  • Health Care for the 9/11 First Responders.  BLOCKED!
  • The Jobs Bill.  BLOCKED!
  • Wall Street Reform.  BLOCKED!
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  Attempted BLOCK!
  • Oil Spill Liability.  BLOCKED!
  • Immigration Reform.  BLOCKED!
  • Unemployment Extension Bill HR-4213.  BLOCKED!
  • Fair Pay Act.  BLOCKED & DEFEATED!

So you want to know why the economy is sluggish?  Want to know why the unemployment rate isn’t down to 6 percent yet. It has more to do with the republicans than the democrats or Obama.  The facts cannot be denied here.  It is absolutely insane what the republicans have stooped to and it’s yet another reason why after more than 20 years as a republican I will no longer be affiliated with that party.

After all this it is my educated opinion that President Obama has not only earned re-election but has shown the integrity and character of the person who should hold the office of the President of the United States.

But, what about Romney?  Why would I not vote him?  Putting the fact aside that I am disgusted with the actions of the republican party.  I can do that. And, to be honest, I would do that if they ran someone I felt to be an honest, fair and decent human being.  Mitt Romney is none of those.  He is a proven liar, an admitted bigot, a hypocrite and has flip flopped more than any nominee I have ever seen before!

Everything from Gay marriage to Abortion, the man says what the people he’s talking to want to hear.   He seems to refuse to let a little thing like the truth get in the way.  He claims he has a budget but won’t tell anyone the details.  In fact he has refused to give any specific details on any single plan he has.  How can anyone in their right mind vote for someone that has done nothing but promise a plan.  No actual plan yet, but he swears he’s got one!

I just cannot vote for anyone that is against gay marriage.  I do not support bigotry in my presidential choice.  Maybe that’s ok for you?  But, not me.  I’ve been many things in my life, I have done a great many things in my life that I am not proud of.  But, about 15 years ago I made a promise to myself.  A promise that I will do my best to live an honest good life.

And, I am sorry, I know it’s voodoo to talk about his religion.  Sure it was ok for the republicans to do so in the last elections by claiming that Obama was not a Christian but a Muslim.  However, this election the republicans have said the subject of religion is taboo.  Well, not for me.  I will be completely honest here.  I am an atheist.  It’s all silly voodoo to me.  I accept it though, I don’t hold it against people for the most part.  But look, not all religions are created equally and some of them out there are just fucking crazy!  Mormonism is one of them.

Common Mormon belief’s:

Jesus walked on American soil.
God lives on a planet called “Kolob”.
Black people are cursed.
Satin is the brother of Jesus.

The list goes on and on and it’s just embarrassing.

Then there’s his tax history.  Two years, that’s all we get.  The least amount in released by a presidential nominee ever I think?  I could be wrong on that but it’s defiantly the least that most of us have seen in our lifetime.

Then there’s the whole comment Mitt said about taking tax deductions.  He said that anyone who doesn’t take all the tax breaks allowed isn’t qualified to be president.  So when he just recently released his second year of taxes, he left 4 million in tax deductions on the table.  Again, I ask, when is Romney going to step down?  So he is admittedly not qualified to be our president and by staying in the race, he is lying to our faces by not keeping his word.

“But, wait, Obama hasn’t kept his word, what about all those promises you admitted that he didn’t keep!”

Well, there’s a difference here.  Obama at least tried to keep his word.  He fought to keep his word.  Romney, just didn’t even care.  It’s just another lie in a long list of lies.

So in a nut shell it comes down to I won’t vote for Mitt because he is a lair, a bigot and a hypocrite and there is no denying it.  And, voting for Mitt Romney says, that either you are a liar, a bigot and a hypocrite or you just don’t care or you’re just plain ignorant to the facts.  So which one are you?

And always, I have put forth a lot of facts in this post.  DON’T TAKE MY WORD FOR THEM!  Look them up and see the truth for yourself.  But, most of all.  I know all of us are sick of all the politics.  No matter what side you’re on.  You’ve gotta be tired of it.  I am tired of it.  But, I deal with it because this is important.  Voting is one of our most valued rights and there are people out there that don’t want you to vote.  They don’t want you to think too hard about the issues.  They just want you to use some common sense.  Don’t do that!  Think hard, read, investigate, fact check everything!  And, if there’s anything in this article that you learned or didn’t know.  If it made you think even for a second, please pass it on and maybe someone else will be forced to think to.

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