I am quite sure there is no limits to the bullshit racist ideas these idiots come up. The problem with them is they mask their hatred and fear so very well. There’s this kid on my friends list, I think she’s just barely old enough to vote and she is all in support of the Tea Party. She posts the most ridiculous shit from the Tea Party to her news feed. She obviously doesn’t fact check a thing she posts. I have given up responding to them because you cannot argue with these people. They have lost all common sense and worse the above average sense one should use while deciding on whom to vote for president of the United States.
What I don’t get is she seems to be a fun loving girl, from her posts, we like a lot of the same movies, we same to have the same sense of humor and we both love Call Of Duty! If I was 20 years younger or actor Doug Hutchison I’d be in love! So I have no idea how her political views can be so profoundly disturbing. I am guessing that at her age she just can’t see the hate and fear this joke of a party promotes.
Take a look at these screen caps from my news feed showing her shared stories. The conspiracies these morons believe are disturbing! It just pisses me off that good people like my friend are so fooled by them. She’s better than this and sadly they seem to have her hook, line and sinker.
I have posted what some might say is a lot of political stuff lately. And, as I have said time and time again. I do my best to fact check every thing I post. I was wrong once in a post I made. When I learned of this, I corrected it, apologized for it, and ranted about it. I take what I post to others very seriously. And, I never attack the spouse for something the husband did.
Yet the classless Tea Party has repeatedly attacked Michelle Obama just for being married to the President. They have mislead Americans in these attacks and spread fear and hate. For example the above photo. What does it have to do with Mrs. Obama? Nothing. The women did nothing here and they are attacking. Just look at the photo, look at how she looks. Can you honestly look at that photo with what they are trying to say about her isn’t hateful and a little bit racist.
This is what cowards and bullies do and the Tea Party is filled with both. They attack what they see as weak. Now I am not saying Mrs. Obama is weak. I am just saying that she is not the president, their fight is with the president not his wife but instead they chose to attack a woman. This is cowardly on so many levels and it’s all they know.
In another photo this “Friend” posted a while back it showed the First Lady smiling and the caption said something like, “You spent 13 million dollars worth of tax dollars on your last vacation to Europe.”
This was stupid and misleading on so many levels! At the time I responded I tried to point out that she didn’t spend any of it, the President and The First Family have always been protected by the secret service and they don’t do it for free. It doesn’t cost any more to protect the current President and his family than it did any other (sure there’s inflation but you know what I mean.) But, this misleading photo implies that she herself was the cause of the expense. That no other first lady ever went on vacation with her husband before.
Then I went on to point out how many vacations Obama had since taking office and how many Bush Jr. had taken since taking office. At the time Obama had something like 81 days of vacation. Bush for the same time period in his presidency had take 161 days. Almost double the time! And, please remember, most of this vacation time came in the first two years after 9/11! The biggest terrorist event in American history and Mrs. Bush spent her time on Vacation when she wasn’t waging wars against two different countries. And, yet Mrs. Obama killed Osama, passed Obama-Care and lowered taxes for the middle class and for this, the douche bags at The Tea Party are giving her grief for taking less time on vacation than any other republican since Ronald Reagan!
Oh wait, did I say Mrs. Bush? My bad, I meant President Bush and President Obama, so what did their photo have to with the First Lady? Absolutely nothing! Just another cowardly attack by the Tea Party.
Now how stupid is this? I mean really. Not only are they cowards and bullies but now they are cry babies. I mean these disgusting human beings will attack a women, kick people when they are down, but the moment, you go at them, they cry like little babies. Talking about how unfair it all is.
Well, of course she interrupted Romney so many times, she had to correct his lies, she had to keep him on topic and she had to keep him from constantly going over the time limit! It wasn’t a conspiracy you morons! It was the rules that were agreed to by both parties.
Ok, time again to get your tinfoil hats out! It is so difficult responding to these idiots. I mean they truly believe this shit. Everyone is against them, the only people they can almost trust is FOX News and their crazy conservative blogs.
During the last election my relationship with a long time family was hurt over politics. This guy owned the house next door to my parents house for well over ten years. When he and his wife divorced, he moved to Hesperia. We still stayed in touch. I now live in Hesperia as well. So this family friend has been in my life for over 30 years.
Yet during the last election something happened to him. He turned into kind of a racist. A lot of his political humor was bashing Obama in racist ways. I didn’t like it. And, what was worse was the stuff he was sending wasn’t true. I ended up spending hours and hours researching what he would send to me and showing him how he was wrong. In one instance he used factcheck.org to back up what he was saying. And, I tried to explain that yes, the fact is true but it’s misleading and this is why. I don’t remember the actual event.
It was something like, for example, if the news headline was, “Cop Punches Women In The Face!” Well, that sounds pretty bad. And, if all you read is just the headline, and this is all most ignorant people do. They are left with the impression that there’s a cop out there punching women in the face for no reason. Ignorant people always avoid the reasons why. They will always be headline type people. They just don’t have the attention span for the details.
So back to our fictional cop punching women. Being the intelligent being that you are, you want to know why the cop punched this poor women. IYou read the article and it turns out that she had been resisting arrest and pulled a knife on the cop. Well, that changes things doesn’t it. But, if you’re a member of the Tea Party, little things like, facts, logic and the truth mean nothing. It’s all “headlines” to them. Reasoning means nothing. Hate and fear are all that exist to them and they don’t see it as hate and fear. The honestly think they are being rational!
So back to my good family friend Larry. So he once again ignored all the work I put in to showing him the truth. Just didn’t even respond to it! Then I point out something to him and he calls me on it. So I bring up factcheck.org. The same place he used just the week before and now they were wrong! Are you kidding me?!
At one point I was calling him out on something he said about Obama and I said it wasn’t true. He couldn’t find one reliable media source to back up what he said. Not even FOX News carried the story. So he links me to the “blog” he read the story on. I thought, this isn’t news, this is a blog? And, it wasn’t even a news blog. You can’t believe what people write in personal blogs. Sure they can tell the truth and be informative. But, you can’t just believe them! You have to always fact check them. I say that here all the time. Don’t take my word for what I say, look it up! I can tell you that I will never intentionally lie to you and that I fact check everything I say! However, even though I am telling you the truth. You don’t know me, I could be lying to you. So don’t trust me! Look up what I say, see for yourself.
As I read the article on this guy blog I am shaking my head, thinking, this guy is so full of shit. But, it was that creepy feeling when you know the person is serious about what they are saying. They actually believe it. Then I get to the bottom and I see in the footer, this guy considers him an author. He has several self published books all about how the earth being only 5,000 years old and how man lived with the dinosaurs. Ok, in case you don’t know, man and dinosaurs never lived together. If anyone you speak ever tries to tell you that they did, just smile at them, nod like they are saying something interesting as you back up. When you’re at a safe distance, turn around and run, fast!
Needless to say, I can’t argue with stupid. If someone believes that man and dinosaur lived together. No amount of logic or proof will ever convince them of the truth. You can’t win that argument, all you can do is just hope that some day they come out of it before they end up killing someone. And sadly, arguing with anyone from the Tea Party is just the same. You won’t win.